RACES Announcements & Newsletter
Cape May County RACES conducts monthly radio nets via repeater and simplex to test equipment, train members, etc.
Nets are customarily held on the last Monday of the month.
January 27, 2025 will be the next test will be on the main repeater 147.240 PL 146.2. We ask all to try to call in.
at 19:00 HRS
As ever, monitor 147.240.
CMC RACES Newsletter
Jamuary 22, 2025, Quarterly Training & Meeting 18:30 HRS in PERSON
We will be working on your new ID Card
Please, when coming to the OEM (any time), park in the grass field opposite the OEM. Everyone coming to the OEM must have a mask on. All doors will always be locked. We will have a person on 146.415 PL 203.5. If you come to the meeting or any other event and the door is closed, just call N2CMC
Be Safe
Robert Myers KD2HIP
Deputy RACES Coordinator
Last Update 12/11/2025