RACES Frequencies
Use of the W2CMC Repeater
- The W2CMC Repeater is a service of W2CMC and Cape May County RACES-ARES whose transmissions and activities take precedence.
- Usage will be in accordance with FCC Rules Part 97.
- Users will comply with the directives of the control operator.
- Transmissions will be courteous and professional.
- The time out timer is set for 3 minutes. Keep transmissions under that time. Leave breaks between transmissions so the repeater can drop and the time out timer resets.
Cape May County RACES Frequencies
Cape May County RACES Frequencies
Freq. Pl tone. Location
147.240 + 146.2 Cape May Ct. Hse.
443.600 + 146.2 Cape May Ct. Hse.
449.875 – 146.2 Cape May Airport
146.775 – 179.9 Woodbine, O. V. Road
145.450 – 146.2 OC / Upper Twp.
927.7250 (output) Cape May Ct. Hs
902.0125 (input) pl 146.2
Simplex Frequencies In Use
146.415 pl 203.5 Cape May Co Airport
446.025 pl 203.5 Cape May Co Airport
Cape May County Amateur Radio Club
146.610 pl 88.5 Cape May Ct. Hse.